
1 January 14
1 January 16
discussion: Restrictions, Mevis and van Deursen
Script 1: Hello World

2 January 21
no class; cold
2 January 23
review: Hello World
Script 2: Verbal Picture

3 January 28
presentation: 3 posters from People’s Graphic Design Archive (Verbal Picture part 1)
3 January 30
discussion: Design and the Play Instinct, Paul Rand
workday: Verbal Picture writing workday (part 2)

4 February 4
present: Verbal Picture
4 February 6
script 3: Gradient

5 February 11
present: Gradient
script 4: Official Announcement
5 February 13

6 February 18
discussion: Hollis/Kinross, Der Berufsphotograph
6 February 20
post: Official Announcement
discussion: Teens Cash in on the NFT Art Boom
Script 3: Announcing the Non Fungible Artwork

7 February 25
workday: Announcing the Non Fungible Artwork
7 February 27
presentation: Announcing the Non Fungible Artwork

8 March 4
workday: Announcing the Non Fungible Artwork
8 March 6
presentation: Announcing the Non Fungible Artwork
script: Photoshop Under Restraint

9 March 11
workday: Photoshop Under Restraint
9 March 13

10 March 18
10 March 20
presentation: Photoshop Under Restraint
script: Oblique Strategies

11 March 25
Spring Break.
11 March 27
Spring Break.

12 April 1
presentation: Oblique Strategies
12 April 3

13 April 8
13 April 10

14 April 15
14 April 17

15 April 22
15 April 24

16 April 29
16 April 31